Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Medical Notes

My cat is lying on the floor. At one point I had to check and make sure he was still breathing as he's lying so very still and quiet. He's been walking around looking like yoda, but without the flip flops and little robe. He apparently has bacteria in his ears - bad bacteria. So 114$ later we have that information and medicine. At least they weighed him for free.
And now I'm going to the doctor. There's a number of things I need to talk to her about, the least of which is the fact that I need to get thicker, healthier hair and need the ability to take naps all the time since I have the time to do that. There's nothing worse that knowing everyone else is at work, unable to take naps when they want and you're home, lying in bed unable to sleep.
Hopefully P. doesn't get the pinkeye that's at his daycare centre right now. Drops for the cat and the child? That I would not be able to handle!!

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