Saturday, July 7, 2007

Chick Lit, so to speak

My mom and I had a conversation the other day regarding "Chick Lit" and what it is. It seems that publishers are so happy to have a name for books featuring females that they put them all in that category. As long as the main character is a female and usually if the writer is a female then Chick lit it is. You might see 'Great Beach Read' also around it at this time of the year.
So this is not a new issue. People have been talking about it for ages - the classification of all female literature as 'Chick Lit'. Goes along with the 'Chick Flick' movie classifications. However, it amazes me all the different books that are placed in that category. I've read a lot of them or at least, at some point have read something from the author and I have to say: Danielle Steele and Jennifer Weiner are not the same.
See... almost every book features a quest. In some 'Chick Lit' books it seems as though the quest is love. The identity of the female is wrapped up in finding love. Employed in this quest are all kinds of characters who demean the main character along the way until finally they find love. They're beautiful, they're (allegedly) strong and they need to be loved. The end of the book has a romantic happy ending 99% of the time. In other 'Chick Lit' books, the character is on a quest as well - but it's for personal understanding. Personal acceptance and an understanding of where they fit in the world. The character is still often beautiful, perhaps not as conventionally, however, that's not always a positive. They may end up in a romantic relationship, but they have figured out who they are within it, not because of it. In the second category, the writing is often not as formulaic.
Why are these two lumped together - just because they have females in them? So very frustrating and something that shows that the world likes to place things in boxes and call it something. This summer, don't box up your reading. Read wide and varied and enjoy. don't read it because it's chick lit - but don't not read it because it's chick lit. You might find something good.

Monday, July 2, 2007

A conversation with my son

P: Mama I need you!!!
Me: Awwww {go over to hug him}
P: Sweet little Mama
Me: Awwwwww {cuddle closer}
P: Sweet little Mama... I need chocolate

A sweet talker and he's only just three. I worry for those in his future. Between his way with words and those big blue eyes, there will be many a heart broken. And much chocolate eaten.